Red/Blue/Green Lining --------- the Blue Hills



* * * June 18 RLBH annual cookout! * * *

Save the date!

Watch for more details coming later.



Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time: 6:00 pm (Please be there earlier to sign in)
Trailhead: Fisherman's Beach Parking, Randolph St. Canton, MA (see map below)
Tonight's Leaders: Cheryl Lathrop, Joe Keogh

Tonight's Volunteers: Maureen Kelly (cartographer), Ellen Correia (sign-in), Linda Glynn (registrar), Sue Salmon (Social Coordinator), Jerry Yos (sweep)
Tonight's Co-Leaders
Tonight's Hike: We will  be hiking trails on the Southeastern side of Ponkapoag Pond. See map below of planned trails.

Directions to Trailhead: From the West- I93/Rt128 to exit 2A. Go South and take a left onto Randolph St. The parking lot will be a little more than a mile on the left. From the East- I93/Rt128 to exit 5A and go south to Reed St. Make a right onto Reed St, which turns into Canton St and then into Randolph St.and go 1.9 miles to Parking on right.